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Oliver Kraus

Ein Leben für das Akkordeon & den Zydeco & Rock´n´Roll:

Pushing the instrument “accordion” -
An accordion have more possibilites than a guitar, more dynamic than a piano, more soul than a drum, more variability than a violine & more power than all other harmonic & acoustic instruments...

...but not the respect it deserves - especially in Germany, the home of accordions....!

Trifft Stars im Akkordeonumfeld

Seine Anfänge des Musizierens.

Div. Orchester in Haubersbronn - Urbach
Einzelunterricht Paul-Ernst Knötzele, Zumhof
Akkordeon x Sechs

The Blue Jeans - All time Classics (in the 80ies)
Prisoner - Rock (80ies)
Route 66 - Beat & Rock`n´Roll (80ies)
Gold Buttons - All time Classics
Gang 69 - Rock´n´Roll bis Doors (90ies)
Karat - Coverband (untill 2000)
Zydeco-Playboys (startet 1992)
Bayou Boys (Trio um 2002)
Mr. Zydeco (Sideproject ab 2007)

Diplomarbeit Akkordeon-Marktuntersuchung Deutschland

Check Website: www.ok-productions.com

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nächster Playboy..

Oliver plays


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